Tricks & techniques: proofing yeast

It took me a few years, peppered with a handful of lame attempts that resulted in epic failures in making breads / pizza doughs before I got the hang of things. One of the things that led to my series of failures was the proofing of yeast. Up until before last year, my yeast never proofed successfully and, I’m embarrassed to say, at the beginning, I was not even sure what sort of end result I ought to yield. 

Now that I finally successfully proof yeast for 5 times and more, I dare say I have graduated from this particular bread-making technique. Now, just in case, there are some folks out there just as lost as I was, I’m happy to share with here how to proof yeast. 

First of all, if you do not have a food /meat thermometer, do go out to get one now. I have learned in the past one year that it is extremely crucial to own one (as well as an oven thermometer, and no, built-in ones are not good enough) in order to reduce failures in baking & grilling. Yes, they do not come cheap but then, the costs of all future bake failures infinitely outweighs the cost of owning these thermometers. 

Right now, I will include only written guide. Hopefully, I will remember to take step-by-step photos the next time I proof yeast.

And here goes:

Proofing yeast

1 envelope of active dry yeast

1/2 cup milk / water / whatever liquid your recipe calls for

1 teaspoon of sugar

Warm your milk / water till the temperature ranges between 37-44°c (98-111F). Pour into a bowl / cup that gives you plenty allowance for your yeast to bubble.

Add in sugar & yeast. Stir until sugar mostly dissolved after which, leave it alone for 10 minutes.

And voila, there you have it! Use immediately. 

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